FileShare App!

FileShare v1.0.0

  • Minimum API Level 15 is required(Android v4.0.4)
  • Permission Required
    • Hotspot Service
    • Internet Service
    • Notification
Note:- You need to allow Installation from unknown resource in order to install this app

About the app:-

This application allows user to share large files to any other system over local network where receiver doesn't require any app to receive.

Okay so I was sick of asking which app do you have(Sh*reIt or X*nder or ..) just to share a file, sometime they have one of these but sometimes they have something else and it was frustrating for me to ask them to install these app just to share the "LARGE FILES"(like movies and other stuffs) (of course I can't use the internet to share what do you think I am? Ambani?).
So I created this app.

This App allows user to share file to anyone to any device(phone or PC) over WIFI(obviously).
Just Select the files from the app and send the Receiver at the location stated in the app and currently it's .
Note:-use http:// and not https://

I know, I know what you might be thinking and yes! I can't afford any TOP-LEVEL-DOMAIN yet also it's hosted from my Github (

Also in case you're thinking that "there must be some alternative available on the playstore", So yeah there were.
I tried looking for few of those but they were not what I was looking for, like an App "Wifi File Transfer" this app allows user to share the files but it shows your WHOLE DIRECTORY I mean "Your whole INTERNAL and EXTERNAL storage" to receiver I mean good enough but obviously I don't want anyone to look into my Assignment Folder.
I tried few more apps and then I was too lazy to keep looking for one so I created my own took me more than 3 weeks I guess and I have plenty of it right now (HAIL QUARANTINE DAYS!)
and also I can't use WiFi Direct because my Honor 8C allows me to use that with only HUAWEI phones!

You know what just give it a try and then say if it's good for you (as it's for me) or not!
Also comment your review or any suggestions or bug you found that would be of great help as I wanted to finish this project as soon as possible because my Android Studio keeps crashing(If someone had given me a dollar each time it crashed I would have been able to afford a good Domain) I hadn't tested it properly as I don't have multiple device to test on so just give it a try and drop a review if possible.

How to use?

  1. Turn the Hotspot service on.(Create password protected hotspot in case you want share files securely.)
  2. Select the files which you want to send to the receiver.
  3. Send Receiver connected to your hotspot at the Receiving address as shown in the app and receive the files.
  4. Make sure you're on http:// not on https://  i.e
Note:-Make sure you're on the latest version of the app.
Note:- Although files are shared over wifi but data connection is required to load the site on the Receiver's System.
In case you're still having issue drop a comment or try contacting me.

Download link removed by developer
Update is on the way!
Kindly be patient
Check Here for Update!

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